Autobiography/autofiction Books Knausgaard Reviews

Review: My Struggle #2

A Man in Love By Karl Ove Knausgaard (2013)

I’m still really liking this, the mixture between the boring day-to-day and unexpected intensity is if anything even more pronounced and is still doing it for me.

I do feel like I need a bit of break from Karl Ove though – there is one heck of a lot of childminding in this one.

How unhinged the overall project is beginning to hit me too – the frankness and lack of romanticism is pretty excoriating to himself, but man, you’ve got to feel for his family and particularly his wife and (incredibly decent and generous) mother-in-law (whose minor alcoholism is described in detail). Karl Ove is both a pretty nice man as I’ve said, and kind of an art monster.