If Not Now, When?, The Periodic Table and The Magic Paint by Primo Levi
I’ve been on a Primo Levi roll for a couple of weeks, particularly his short stories. They’re tremendous.
If Not Now, When?, The Periodic Table and The Magic Paint by Primo Levi
I’ve been on a Primo Levi roll for a couple of weeks, particularly his short stories. They’re tremendous.
Labyrinths Borges (1962), Personal Anthology Borges (1965), Nine Stories by JD Salinger (1953)
More Borges short stories. He was really quality over quantity, there just isn’t that much (published, translated) out there. Ficciones was so good I’ve raided Labyrinths (from the 60s and by a bunch of different translators) and Personal Anthology (there’s a lot of overlap of stories so it’s not really reading three books).