Ada Books Lit Crit Nabokov Reviews

Ada: Chapter impressions so far

So I’m 30 chapters through reading Nabokov’s Ada alongside Brian Boyd’s extensive annotations. It is quite heavy going, and I’m continuously grateful to BB for explaining all the numerous allusions, great and small, that otherwise would pass me by.

I’ll have a fuller appraisal up soon – in particular comparing Ada to Glory, which has lots of parallels I think to this section (Ardis the First) of the later work. In summary it’s still not really working for me. I’m surprised how much more I like the sections that appeal, but I’m also finding there are themes and whole chapters that plain aren’t working for me, even after they’ve been convincingly explained by Prof. Boyd.

Why can’t the whole book be as good as Ada’s real things, towers and bridges? It’s a well know mystery.

The structure of this first section is certainly impressive: I could even be persuaded that everything in part 1 is there for a purpose (whether that purpose is implemented in an artistically satisfying way is, of course, another question). A big problem is the length. I’m sort of saturated by Ada already, and it’s a little alarming I’m less than a third of the way through.

Ada Books Fiction Lit Crit Nabokov Reviews

Speak: Memory! What I remember before re-reading Ada

Ada is Vladimir Nabokov’s longest book, and the first of his late European period after he found fame with Lolita then devoted ten years to his controversial, literalist translation of Eugene Onegin. It shares many features and themes with his earlier work, but is also strikingly different: massive, heavy-going and sometimes impenetrable, it stands in contrast with the lightness and economy of his American work.

I tend to think of Ada as a maximalist, interesting failure. Nabokov described Finnegan’s Wake as “that cold pudding” of a book, and in an irony of memory I had transposed that description onto Ada. I tend to agree with Michael Wood that it’s a late rather than mature work where the ambition outstripped the result. It’s a hard book to love.

Books Lit Crit Reviews

Review: Camille Paglia (take 2)

Provocations, Free Women, Free Men and Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders: Academia in the Hour of the Wolf by Camille Paglia

For some reason I keep giving Camille Paglia’s Provocations another shot. I didn’t get any further this time before throwing it across the room, and reading bits of Free Women, Free Men I’m sad to say it too doesn’t hold up very well in hindsight.

To cheer myself up I read her long essay Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders. It’s a bit silly in places, but is very funny and the targets (particularly academic careerism) are very worthwhile:

Books Fiction Reviews Short Stories

Reviews: Primo Levi

If Not Now, When?, The Periodic Table and The Magic Paint by Primo Levi

I’ve been on a Primo Levi roll for a couple of weeks, particularly his short stories. They’re tremendous.

Autobiography/autofiction Books Knausgaard Reviews

Review: October Child

By Linda Boström Knausgaard (2021)

Saw it in the bookshop and I know I can only survive on Knausgaard blood.

Dreamlike account of the obliteration of Linda’s memories through an extended course of ECT in a mental institution, in a sort of fugue through mental states between unconsciousness, memory, dreaming, and awakening.

Books Fiction Reviews

Review: If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler

by Italo Calvino

This is great fun – if perhaps getting a little wrapped up in itself by the end.

An anonymous reader keeps picking up books, becoming fascinated in the first chapter, before having the book lost, stolen, or discovering the whole thing is a mistranslation or forgery.

Calvino does an amazing job of writing a dozen absorbing first chapters with throwaway ease; the bits in between I wasn’t so sure about. It’s very “postmodern” in an obsessed-with-texts, the relationship between reader and writer etc. kind of way. Is this theme really the skeleton key to life? It’s pretty funny, but I get the feeling would be even funnier if all the characters weren’t cyphers.

Autobiography/autofiction Books Humour Knausgaard Reviews

Knausgaard #6: The End and amusing Reviews

Now reading Knausgaard #6. I think I’ve got a problem…

I have continued to enjoy them, but there’s definitely an aspect of comfort reading even in the boringness (not to mention Karl Ove’s amazing failures of judgement that make me feel a lot better about all my decisions).

Books Nonfiction Reviews

Review: The Lies That Bind

By Kwame Anthony Appiah (2018)

This is wonderful, just so clear and wholesome in a discussion of a subject – identity – which can of course be pretty fraught.

It belongs to that rare class of writing where the language is so crisp and readable, you barely notice you’re being lead to some really philosophically interesting places. I particularly like his take on meritocracy, which is an idea that exercises me a lot. He does talk quite a lot about himself – but then he’s had such an interesting life and background, I hardly blame him.

Books Nonfiction Reviews

Reviews: Modern African History

The Scramble For Africa by Thomas Pakenham (1990) & The State of Africa by Martin Meredith (2005)

The Scramble For Africa. This is just fascinating – surely one of the strangest few decades in history. Other than the pretty horrific behaviour of the colonists – who, perhaps Brazza excepted, were tremendously low-rent graspers and cheats (as well as plain brutal) – what most strikes me is how shoestring the whole business was. Regions the size of France “claimed” by a few dozen troops, etc. I’ve actually read this before – but the weird format (it’s all chronological, rather than by area) meant I struggled to piece together the whole arc of regions like the Congo. So I only read the central Africa sections in sequence this time, about half the book.

Autobiography/autofiction Books Knausgaard Reviews

Review: My Struggle #2

A Man in Love By Karl Ove Knausgaard (2013)

I’m still really liking this, the mixture between the boring day-to-day and unexpected intensity is if anything even more pronounced and is still doing it for me.

I do feel like I need a bit of break from Karl Ove though – there is one heck of a lot of childminding in this one.